Thursday, July 15, 2010

What is Lactose-Intolerance?

Lactose intolerance is when the lactase in the small intestine aren't active. Lactase are cells found in the small intestine that split the otherwise not absorbable lactose into absorbable galactose and glucose. For each person lactose intolerance can mean something else. Some just receive stomachaches or flatulence, but others can get horrible cramps or diarrhea. For those who's daily lives are impacted by this condition they may need to limit or cut out foods with lactose in them.

A few examples of foods that are very high in lactose and should be limited or avoided are milks (just plain milk, condensed, and evaporated), yogurt, ice cream, processed cheese, and sour cream. Some examples of foods that are low in lactose are cottage cheese, cream cheese, cheese (unprocessed), and butter.

Though a lactose intolerant teen has to use a special diet, they still need all the same nutrients as the average teen. The thing that these teens still need to get is calcium. Though a major source of calcium is from lactose rich foods there are still other ways to get them.

• "Green vegetables" such as broccoli or spinach
• Tofu
• White beans
• Oatmeal
• Calcium fortified soy milk"
• "Calcium fortified orange juice"
• Salmon or sardines with edible bones

Posted by: Ashley Kelley

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